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The Western Hotel, 1992 Ed Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz, Useful Art #5. The Western Hotel, 1992(Portland Art Museum). Speakers Tina Olsen, Bruce Guenther.

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Picasso, Guernica, oil on canvas, 1937 (Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid). Speakers Dr. Steven Zucker, Dr. Beth Harris.

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of edu ...

Pablo Picasso, The Reservoir, Horta de Ebro, oil on canvas, summer 1909, 24-1/8 x 20-1/8" (MoMA, fractional and promised gift)

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide va ...

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 (Museum of Modern Art)

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.

Picasso, Still-Life with Chair Caning, 1912 (Musée Picasso)

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.